Friday, June 21, 2013

Still Lovin' It Down In Upper Canada

I know it's been a while since last I blogged, but I am busy.
What am I doing that makes me so busy? Well, maybe I will fill you in soon.
Ward and I have been spending much time in the town of Stratford and surrounding areas. Yesterday, we took a trip on the sportster to Port Huron, just over the bridge from Sarnia, in Michigan. The ride was quite nice, and the water in Lake Huron was amazingly blue.

Our trip back across the bridge was another story, though. It was mid-afternoon and the sun was blazing. We paid our toll and proceeded along the very slow left lane designated for car traffic, on our way to Canadian Customs. The lane moved at a snails pace. It took one and a half hours to cross the bridge before getting to Customs, and it wasn't even a long weekend. It was just a regular Thursday afternoon. Boy I miss the short line-ups at Pembina, ND.
But once we cleared customs, we were back on the road, with wind blowing in our helmeted hair. We checked the map, and selected a nice side road to venture back to London for the night.
We have been hanging out mostly in the county of Perth, home to such towns as Mitchell, St Marys, and Stratford. The area is quite lovely, with rolling hills, that remind you of Mother England. There are many farms with sheep, goats, horses, and yes llama. I have never seen so many llamas in a single area as I have seen here. And, as always, I never have my camera with me when I come across all these animals.
I will leave you with a few pictures I have taken in the past couple of weeks.
This is downtown St Marys, where every building seems to be made of stone.
Shaggy Llama at Mitchell
Swans in the River Thames in the town of Stratford
A farm in Perth County, but not showing those wonderful rolling hills that are so prevalent in the area.